BJP president Amit Shah will address two mega rallies in Udhampur and Rajouri districts of Jammu and Kashmir on Wednesday. Shah will be campaigning for BJP candidates — sitting MP Jugal Kishore Sharma and Union minister Jitendra Singh — seeking re-election from Jammu-Poonch and Udhampur-Doda parliamentary constituencies.Bulk SMS Services Provider INDIA
“Shah will be campaigning for BJP candidates on Wednesday. He will be addressing rallies in Udhampur and Sunderbani area in Rajouri district Wednesday,” a BJP spokesman said Tuesday.
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The BJP in Jammu and Kashmir is banking on its star campaigners to leave a mark in the forthcoming Lok Sabha polls.WINDOWS RESELLER HOSTING
“Shah will be campaigning for BJP candidates on Wednesday. He will be addressing rallies in Udhampur and Sunderbani area in Rajouri district Wednesday,” a BJP spokesman said Tuesday.
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The BJP in Jammu and Kashmir is banking on its star campaigners to leave a mark in the forthcoming Lok Sabha polls.WINDOWS RESELLER HOSTING